Read this aftercare instruction carefully, this will prevent problems and your tattoo will look the best. If you have any questions or if you have any doubts about the healing process of your tattoo, please contact me. Even after the tattoo has been put on, I'm happy to be of service.

First hours

If the tattoo is covered with foil, you can remove it when you’re at home and after maximum 3 hours. When it's summer, it's best that you remove the foil directly when you're home.

Then you have to rinse it with lukewarm water and pat dry (do not rub) with a fresh washed towel.

Apply a salve that is suitable for tattoos, such as Bepanthen or Balm tattoo. Don’t use udder ointment or petroleum jelly or creams with perfumes in.

For the next two weeks

Clean your tattoo twice a day every day (in the morning and in the evening), during two weeks: Rinse with lukewarm water, pat dry and apply your salve. A thin layer is enough.

It is important that your skin does not dry out, if your tattoo feels dry or itchy, you can apply another thin layer salve during the day. But not more than five times a day.

During the healing process

☽   Avoid (bubble) baths, swimming pools, saunas and steam baths for two weeks. Don't soak your skin because the ink will fade away. Showering is         okay but don't shower too long or too hot.

☽   Don't expose the tattoo to direct sunlight or a, tanning bed. If it is sunny and you are sitting outside, wear something over your tattoo. The                      tattooed skin remains very sensitive to sunlight even after healing. Avoid sunscreen for these two weeks because it will irritate your tattoo.

☽   Never scratch a new tattoo because it can cause scars and you will pull out the ink. It can help to apply a thin layer of salve, to reduce the itching.

☽   Touch the tattoo wound as little as possible (always wash your hands before caring for the wound).

☽   Don't cover it with tight, soiled clothing or with bandages.

☽   It will take about four to six weeks for the tattoo wound to heal.

☽ When you do sports it's impotent that you clean you're tattoo after you have sweated. It can cause your tattoo to become infected. Keep your                tattoo as clean as possible and be careful with sports and heavy physical work until your tattoo is healed.